‘Unlocking the Growth’ Seminar

The Seminar was held in St. James Anglican Church, Kujama on 17 February, 2018.
It was attended by 25 pastors of different denominations.
At the conclusion of the Seminar, the pastors were asking that further such Seminars be held. This is encouraging for Passion as it is good to be seen as an instigator of programs that are helpful to local pastors.

The First Kujama Community Revival

The Revival was held from 8 – 14 January, 2018.
It became necessary in view
of the 130 converts that Passion made in 2017. The Revival acted as a follow-up towards    During the Revival’s Praises hour
discipleship to keep
and build the converts. The second aim was to keep the established relationship with the communities where the converts live. The third reason was that Pastors around Kujama will be helped by
participation in the disciple-making program entitled, ‘Train the Trainer.’

Makarau community Crusade 2015

Passion for Converts International again partnered with the Makarau Community for a Revival Crusade 25th -27th December, 2015. The theme was “Destroying Foundations and Loosing the Chains” Acts 16:26.

This is the 3rd year now that Makarau community and Passion submitted the entire community to God in prayer in “Makarau community crusade”. We have uncountable number of testimonies.

We’ll provide more details in our next newsletter.

Upcoming Events:

A Seminar incorporating a Book Project is planned for October, 2015.
We intend to sell a range of books about Islam, written from a Christian perspective by Christian Islamic scholars. Christian leaders from Kaduna and Kwoi diocese will attend the Seminar.
It is intended to encourage Christians to read those things Muslims never teach or tell Christians about Islam.
This will demand a significant amount of money, since the books will need to be subsidized to be affordable.

Three communities are asking Passion to hold a community crusade in December, 2015. This is a very important outreach for Passion. The result of the three year community crusades held in Makarau, Rev. Ibrahim’s home village, is evident and welcome.

Seminars continue

This photo was taken after a Seminar held on 27th June.  The participants were from a community living in Narayi. Parents were instructed in how to use familiar Bible stories, such as the Slave girl in the Na’aman story, to teach their children to reach out to Muslim children.

This Seminar, organised by Passion, was held on July 25 in The Church of Advent Bayan Dutse, Narayi.
The aim was to encourage christian young people to potentially become missionaries to the Muslims.

Triumphant Youths Seminar






Triumphant Youths Foundation Seminar was held in mid-February in Kaduna.  It was led by the founder, Yusuf Ibrahim Gombe, a former Muslim from the Royal family of Gombe. He relocated to Kaduna for safety reasons.  He is now married to a christian wife and has a family.

Rev. Ibrahim has ministered to Yusuf. The seminar was also held at The Church of Advent, Bayan Dutse, Narayi, Kaduna..

Upcoming Events

A Seminar for Singles is planned for 14th March. Discussions will centre around how a Biblical sound moral life can help in reaching Muslim youths. The Seminar will be targeted at students from a secondary (High school) in Barnawa that has both Muslim and Christian students studying in the same classes.

Another Training Seminar is to be held for the group of 27 christians who recently agreed to participate in mission outreach to neighbouring Muslims.  Pray that they will be bold and courageous in their efforts to share the good news of the gospel..

Makarau Revival Crusade blesses many

Pastor Nelson Foni, ministering during the Makarau Crusade, held on 25th – 27th December  2014. Thank God for his partnership with Passion.  Many came to Christ and healing and deliverance were conducted.


Rev. Yusuf Kagoro was also in attendance.  Many youth from Kachechere were at the crusade.

Here, Rev. Ibrahim is surrounded by grateful attendees at the Crusade.



Significant Upcoming Event:


Please pray for Rev. Ibrahim and Pastor Nelson Foni as they lead the three day program of this Community event in Makarau.  Pray that the hearts of all those who attend will be drawn into a closer and more meaningful relationship with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ..

Encouraging Seminar







Passion held a Seminar on 26th November, 2014 in an Anglican Church in Kaduna town. The seminar content was an adapted teaching delivered by Ruth Veltkamp to ECWA* Pastors in Fadan Kagoma on ‘The world sign’. It is contextualized in the light of the Boko Haram. It emphasises the sign God desires us to see.

At the end of this Seminar, 27 people made a commitment to become involved in Muslim mission. However, they requested further training.

A book titled, “Glad News: God loves you my Muslim friend” by Samy Tanagho was made available to participants at a subsidised price. This was made possible through a donation received from Voice of the Martyrs Australia.

(*ECWA – Evangelical Church Winning All).